The objects of fascination created by the jeweller Pierre Karl Fabergé were destined for the imperial families before 1885 to 1916. They symbolise opulence or mystery. Between these years, he made at least 50 artistic eggs. These art jewels are made of precious metals, decorated with precious stones or various enamels. After their creation, the famous gentleman named them the Fabergé egg. Nowadays, this is constantly increasing, the creation is unlimited. The name Fabergé egg has become a luxury brand and the eggs he created are called masterpieces.

The history of the Fabergé egg

The name came from a French family called the Fabergé. Before settling in Russia, they had been wandering for years in Southern Europe. The eldest son of the family named Pierre-Karl Fabergé studied in Germany to redirect the reign of the company. His goal was achieved in 1872. To celebrate their engagement of 20 years ago: Tsar Alexander gave his wife an Easter egg as a present. Maria, who had received a golden hen's egg as a child, had a white shell covering it and containing a surprise: a yolk which is also made of gold, which at the end contains diamonds, beautiful precious stones. That is why Tsar Alexander called this gift Fabergé eggs: a very special nomination for the Empress' crown.

An origin as an Easter gift, some of which have disappeared

Because of the melancholy of his country, the Tsar gave an egg-shaped gift to his wife. This was the beginning of Fabergé eggs. Who is the witness of his sorrow and homesickness? His impression of the beauty of this egg has changed: it has become a tradition to give gifts in the shape of an egg either to the wives or mothers of aristocrats. But when he was no longer reigning on the throne: these famous eggs gradually disappeared. The others took their place in private collections and some in museums. An egg adorned with diamonds, full of precious stones. Its maker created it to hold objects such as brooches or hairpins.

A modest beginning even if one almost melted down

Pierre-Karl Fabergé is not Russian, but he has followed in his father's footsteps in the goldsmith's trade. It was when Tsar Alexander was under the spell of some of his arts that his career as a jeweller began. When one of them disappeared: he was found in the United States. He was not identified by the population. So people sold it without knowing its value. But the buyer planned to melt one of those famous Fabergé eggs. When he saw an article on the object in 2012, he talked mainly about its price. This is where the great man has exhibited the art in a private museum on several occasions to attract the eyes of interested parties.